Minstrel Saint is created from a wonderful battered plaster saint and child, an old telephone box, a salvaged metal planter box, and the back to a chair I dug out of a debris pile on Waveland Avenue. Two candles fit in the box on either side of the box. 17" x 21" SOLD
Our Lady of Guadalupe is composed from a dark skinned Madonna and child-another of those wonderful little car statues from New Orleans-, a Mexican painted tin box with glass, a molded plastic section of cheap furniture, several glass pieces, two wooden chickens and a painted piece of salvaged plywood.17" x 18" (Those are reflections on the glass at the bottom of the statue) SOLD

Garden District Altar is about all those beautiful homes in the Garden District in this most Catholic of American cities. I have always been fascinated by religious belief, and New Orleans has such a unique religious flavor. SOLD
18" x 24"

"Northeast Quadra nt" from The Katrina Collection The Katrina Collection is a series of mixed media assemblages which incorpor...